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当前位置:首页贸易资讯会员报道 > 江苏佐仕科技“福”牌系列产品深受客户的好评


发布时间: 2011-08-23   作者:   来源: 公司网站  
摘要: 江苏佐仕科技有限公司原名靖江市天龙化工有限公司,占地24000平方米,在同行中处于领先地位,所生产的“福”牌系列产品深受客户的好评。企业重质量,重信誉,信守承诺,并与2000年通过了ISO9002国际质量体系认证. ,




  靖江地处长江黄金水道北岸,江阴长江大桥、广靖高速公路、新长铁路给靖江带来了 得天独厚的交通优势。我公司地处靖江市郊(位于江阴长江大桥靖江出口处西首500米),地理位置十分优越,所临靠的南通港、张家港、上海港,每周都有定期班轮开往世界各地。


Jiangsu Zuoshi Technology Co.,Ltd.(Jingjiang Tianlong Chemical Co.,Ltd.) was founded in the year 1993, with an occupied floor area of 12,000 sq. meters. Our "Fu" brand lead salts have been well received among users and are in the leading position in the industry in China. In 2000, Approved by ISO9002 in the year 2000, the company mainly produces powdered red lead, granular red lead, powdered yellow lead, granular yellow lead, lead sulfate tribasic, lead phosphite dibasic, lead stearate dibasic, cyanuric acid lead salt, Lead silicate etc., with annual output of 30,000 tons, which are widely use in plastic stabilizers, pigments, paints, glass tube and glass envelope.

Jingjiang Tianbang Glass-tube Co., Ltd. was founded in the year 2007, with occupied floor area of 10,500 sq. meters and investment of 25 million RMB yuan. The company mainly produces various power saving fluorescent tubes. Boasting top technologies, we can offer customers tailor-made glass tubes upon needs, with annual output of over 10,000 tons.

The City of Jingjaing is located in the northern bank of Yangtze River, and close to Guang-Jing Expressway and Xin-Chang Railway, enjoying advantaged traffic conditions. Our company is located in suburb Jingjiang and also enjoys good location.

We warmly welcome you visit, and our quality products and services are always ready here for you!

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